Monday, February 15, 2016



And welcome to today's post on Singapore! As I did with my post on Palawan, I will write about what I personally did in Singapore, instead of just writing about random places there.

I love Singapore. It is definitely one of the cleanest cities I have ever been to and the overall atmosphere of Singapore is very lovely. Singapore is also one of the most international cities I have ever been to, causing almost everyone to speak English. Even though people sometimes think that Singapore is quite a small city, it definitely has a lot of things to do, especially things that would be interesting for children of all ages. 

The famous Marina Bay Sands hotel in downtown Singapore at night

I went to Singapore in the spring of 2015 with my dad, because he had a business trip there. I flew to Singapore alone and even just the airport was amazing. The service was very good and all the people were very helpful. One thing to remember when going to Singapore is spitting out your gum before exiting the airport, because chewing gum is actually illegal in Singapore! :) 

On the first day my dad and I went to Universal Studios in Singapore. The amusement park is actually on an island called Sentosa, which is also the home to an Underwater World, a huge beach and two golf-courses. The Universal Studios was pretty small compared to the Florida one, but it was still very nice. There wasn't that many people when we went, which was good because the lines are usually really long at the park. Even though the Universal Studios was pretty small, it still had a lot of good rides, also a few more 'scary' rollercoasters for older visitors. 

A thing to also keep in mind in Singapore is that the weather can be very unpredictable. One minute it is very sunny with 32 degrees, and the other minute it is pouring rain. The rain in Singapore is insane. When we were leaving Universal Studios, it started raining and it was something I had never seen before. The amount of water that was coming from the sky was huge. But the good thing is that even though there was a lot of water coming from the sky, once it stopped raining, the water was gone due to the good piping around the area. This shows that they are very prepared for the unpredictable weather. Also the rain didn't last for very long, (15-20 mins), so it didn't ruin our day at all :) 

A picture from the Sentosa Island Beach

After Universal Studios, my dad and I spent the rest of the day in the Marina Bay. The Marina Bay is famous for its garden (Garden by the Bay) that has the cool looking tree flower things, which are actually just designed to provide shade during the day and to look cool at night with all the lights. The place looked absolutely amazing during both, night and day. The garden also had a section inside where they had amazing flowers and other plants inside a huge greenroom. My dad and I didn't have time to visit the indoor garden, my mum and brother went there when they went to Singapore in March 2015, and they said it was very nice and definitely worth going.

From the Gardens by the bay you can see the Marina Bay Sand hotel and the rest of the Singapore skyline. This is a perfect place to take pictures! 

On the next day, my dad and I went to a park called the Fort Canning park, which was very nice as well. The park had a lot of different paths/routes you can walk, and a few cool buildings as well. The park was on a hill, so you could also see the Marina Bay Sand hotel from there. My phone actually died on that day, so I wasn't able to take any pictures, but if you look it up, you will definitely find pictures from there. After going to the park, we actually walked back to the Marina Bay (which was actually pretty far, so if you aren't wearing proper shoes, I don't suggest doing this) and spent the rest of the day there.

From the Fort Canning Park, you can see the Marina Bay Sand hotel in the back 

Later that night my dad and I went to the Night Zoo. It was such a cool experience and i think this is something you are only able to do in Singapore. Basically in the night zoo, you go through the Singapore Zoo at night in a car. The animals tend to move more during the night because it is not as hot and it was very interesting to see the animals in kind of their 'natural habitat'. Also the fact that it was dark and you were in a golf-cart type vehicle, and you couldn't see the fences of the exhibits, made it seem like you were actually in the wild. 

As I said before, my phone died so I wasn't able to take any pictures, but it would've been really hard to take pictures because it was dark. But the zoo is definitely something i would recommend doing in Singapore, and it wasn't that expensive. For more information on the night zoo, you can click here to access their website. 

On the last day of being in Singapore my dad had to go to work, so I was just shopping around on the Orchid Street. If you are looking for a good shopping place, this is definitely one of them. This street had all the must-have stores; F21, H&M, Topshop, Bath & Bodyworks, Zara and many more. Our hotel was actually on this street, so it was easy for me to go there alone. Again, I'm very sorry for not having any pictures from there, I still had my old phone with a really bad camera when I went to Singapore, so I was not able to take good pictures.

I hope this post gave you an idea on what you can do in Singapore. And I also hope you guys like the way I wrote this post, kind of as a story instead of as a travel guide :) 

One more post left, try and guess the location in the comments below!

Thank you for reading,


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