Saturday, December 26, 2015

Palawan pt I

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And welcome to today's blog post about Palawan, Philippines :)

My family and I went to the Palawan island in February 2015, and we really enjoyed our stay there. This post will be a bit different, since I'll be telling you more of what we actually did and writing fully from personal experience.

The view from our Bungalow

The Palawan island was definitely the most beautiful place I have ever visited. The views were absolutely incredible and no pictures or words can fully describe the unbelievable place. When my family was looking at different holiday destinations, we were thinking of going to a nice, calm locations without a huge mass of tourists, and this wish was definitely fulfilled with our visit to Palawan.

We flew to from Shanghai to Manila to Puerto Princesa on Friday the 13th (scary, I know right) and the airport in Puerto Princesa was definitely the smallest airport ever, even though Puerto Princesa is in fact the biggest city in Palawan. We actually forgot our big camera (which I was in charge of) so the pictures in this post aren't as high quality as the should be. All the flights were actually good and we didn't crash (even though it was Friday the 13th). We had ordered a car to pick us up from the airport and take us into a small town called Sabang. When we were in the car, it was pitch black outside, which meant that we had no idea where we were going and the roads were extremely bumpy. This trip took us about 1,5h and when we arrived at our hotel, we all went straight to bed.

Sabang was pretty much in the middle of no where. A very small fisherman town, with two holiday resorts (including ours) and a few tiny supermarkets. There was barely any other tourists there, which meant that we were pretty much the only people there. The resort we stayed at was really lovely and eco-friendly. It had a pool, but since the sea was about 20 meters away from our bungalows, we spent most of our time in the sea. We really enjoyed the blue sky and the clear water, since that is something you don't experience very often in Shanghai. For the first time, even my little brothers really enjoyed being in the sea and spent about 70% of the five days we were there in the water.

On the fourth day we were in Sabang, was the only cloudy day, so we took a car to a near by town to go zip-lining. It was the first time ever that I did zip-lining and even though it was pretty scary, it was an amazing experience and I would definitely recommend going :)

A not that good picture of my dad zip-lining - but you get the idea

After zip-lining, we went to a Mangrove forest boat trip, where a lovely old Filipino lady gave us a tour on the forests. She told us all about the different animals that hide in the forests and how the locals do everything they possibly can to preserve these forests. As for now, Palawan doesn't get that many tourists and the people who visit are recommended to think as ecologically as possible. Of course, tourism brings them more money, but with money comes trash, pollution and people who ONLY care about the money.

Mangrove forest

Us planting our own mangrove trees

When we got back to  our hotel, a guard came with a young lady to show me and my brothers a tiny, tiny newly-hatched turtle. Me and my brother were allowed to let this turtle go to the water, and this was definitely an amazing experience as well. There are about 1000-2000 turtles living in the Palawan area, but because of the pollution in the water, turtles die a lot due to the consumption of plastic that people throw in the water.

The turtle we helped next to my brothers hand

This is what we did on the first week of being in Palawan. The rest of the time we just chilled at the beach, went on beach runs and ate a lot of good food. The resort we stayed at was called the Dalyon and it was a really lovely resort. In the next post I will talk about our trip to El Nido (which is still on Palawan). But for now, thank you for reading and as always, leave question  and improvements in the comment section below.


Gorgeous sunset 

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