Wednesday, December 23, 2015


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Dobry Den,

And welcome to this weeks post about the Czech Republic. Czech Republic's capital city Prague is my absolute favourite cities in the whole world. Prague is gorgeous with all the old architecture in contrast with all the new parts and buildings. My favourite thing about Prague is the atmosphere, and the people, who are all very nice and funny. I also love all the small boutiques on the narrow streets and cafes which are so welcoming.

I lived in Prague from 2010 to 2012 and those two years were one of my favourite years of my life so far. Living in Prague was so easy and lovely, and it wasn't that big of a difference to the life in Finland which I was used to. My and my family settled to Prague very 'naturally' and the school we went to was very lovely too.

Now to what you can actually do in Prague, instead of me just rambling about my life there!

One of my favourite things in Prague is the zoo. The Prague Zoo is very nice and beautiful and you can tell that the animals are taken care of, which is always a crucial factor (especially to me) when going to a Zoo. The Prague Zoo has a good variety of different animals and good food. According to the Forbes Traveling Magazine, it is the 7th best zoo in the world. It is also located in a very nice place, next to the Vltava river. The zoo has actually been flooded twice, in 2002 and recently in 2013. In the 2002 flood, many animals died as a result of this flood. But with volunteer work, people managed to bring the zoo back to its old glory, even after a tragic event like this. Me and my family went to the zoo at least 4  times every year, and it never disappointed. The zoo was perfect to take guests and visitors to, and everyone we took there (especially family friends with smaller children) really enjoyed it. I would suggest going to the zoo on a sunny day and taking snacks and packed lunches with you and having a fun day in the beautiful environment. The admission costs 200CZK for adults ($18) and 150CZK for children and students ($12). As for getting there, I would suggest taking the metro to Dejvicka and then taking bus 107 or 148 towards the river and getting off at Hydrologicky Ustav and then taking the boat from there to across the river Vltava to the other side. The address for the zoo is: U Trojského zàmku 3/120, 17100 Praha 7. For more information on the zoo, click here.

Another thing in Prague are the markets in the old town square. Especially around festival times (Christmas and Easter) the city square is filled with small stands where people sell traditional trdelnik, hot mulled wine Svarené víno and barbecued sausages klobasa. All these traditional Czech foods combined with the performances around the square and the atmosphere, gives you a perfect mood for either Christmas, Easter or whatever holiday or even a regular weekday you are spending in Prague.

Another reason I love Prague so much is that all of the downtown sights are very close to each other. The Wenceslas Square, Charle's bridge, Old Town Square and many more historical sights are all located in a small space, making it easier to see the sights in a smaller amount of time. A thing I would suggest doing, is renting Segways. The segways can be rented almost anywhere around downtown Prague and are a very fun way to explore the city. Especially for children (who are usually not that enthusiastic about going around, looking at old buildings and statues) this would be way more exciting. A good place to rent would be Robot City tours - some of my old friends work for this company, giving segway tours around Prague. They speak fluent English and other languages also. You can check out their website and prices etc here.

So that is all I have for you today, I hope this helped you in anyway! The pictures on this post weren't that great because I am currently in Finland on holiday and my hard-disc with all my older photos is in Shanghai. But once I get back, I will definitely do a post that is all pictures from each location (or combine two)

As always, please leave any questions or improvements down in the comment section below, and remember to put your email in to get notifications for when I post :) You can also follow me on instagram @karoliinakuisma , if youre interested to see what I've been up to lately.

Thank you for reading,


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